Chip Damage

A game made using GDevelop, made in a week.


  • Role: Project Lead
  • Engine: GDevelop (JavaScript)
  • Development Started: 2019
  • Techniques Applied:
    • Server Interfacing

Chip Damage is a 2D game created for GDevelop, which is a JavaScript-based engine, and was used with Electron as a result. The gameplay is simple- the player is a small cube, up against a single, huge boss. The player only has one hitpoint, while the boss has a massive amount. The game has a multiplayer aspect because of this: each hit reduces the boss' hitpoints by 1 across all clients.

GDevelop is an engine that I found while trying something new for the theme, with was where we were unable to use any mainstream engines such as UE4 or Unity. It is visual-based for the most part, but can also support JavaScript code. The game connects to one of my own servers (now inaccessible) using JavaScript as a means of getting health values.