
A community-controlled multiplayer game made in Unity.


  • Role: Project Lead
  • Engine: Unity Engine (C#)
  • Development Started: 2020
  • Techniques Applied:
    • Photon Unity Networking (PUN) Implementation
    • Remote Procedure Calls and Variable Replication

Flagship is a Unity-based spin on the classic twin-stick shooter gameplay style, made as a university project for design and development of community-controlled games. People who load up the game have the option to choose between either Gunners or Thrusters, taking up the role of shooting or moving respectively. All players belong to the same ship, which is pitted against enemies.

The game uses Photon Unity Networking, or PUN. This allows many players to be in the same room, and has support for RPCs and variable replication.

Gameplay Note: The game is not intended for play due to potential deprecation and since it requires two separate clients, and is simply present as reference.