
My name is Louis Hall. I'm a Manchester-based developer and programmer with a proficiency in C# and the Unity Engine, although I am broadening my knowledge to C++ and some assembly. I also know JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and Unreal Engine 4 (BP and C++).

I am currently searching for a job in the computing or game development industry, preferrably programming in C# or C++, and in a junior position.

Note: This portfolio is in-progress, pending design changes and downloads. Images missing are due to not having the means to take any images.



Polarity Puzzler Preview

Polarity Puzzler

VR Dodgeball Preview

VR Dodgeball

Swarm Preview


Flagship Preview


Banding Together Preview

Banding Together


As a university assessment, our year was tasked with designing and developming multiple themed games in a game jam-like fashion, making one game per week. These are some of my submissions.


Beat the Offbeat Preview

Beat The Offbeat (Week 1 - Minigames)

Chip Damage Preview

Chip Damage (Week 2 - Expand your Toolset)

Darklight Preview

DarkLight (Week 3 - Light & Dark)

Tools and Mods

Although it is not my primary focus, I have dabbled in tool creation and modding for existing games and other services.


Asset Manager Preview

Team Fortress 2 Asset Manager

ConVar Parser Preview

Valve ConVar Parser